Gered Gereedschap exists thanks to the commitment of many people donating tools, volunteers and to the financial support of donors and companies. Without this support many people are left to fight on their own in their often futile fight against poverty! Help us to support craftsmanship in the broadest sense of the word. This can be done in many different ways. Select one of the possibilities below to help or to give direct financial support. All help and support is most welcome!
Make a structural donation of an amount of your choice, for example monthly or quarterly. Your donation is spent directly on increasing self-reliance among many young people in Africa. Structural donations are of great value to us, they ensure the continuity of our activities.
For € 25 you can donate a complete toolkit, the basis for self-reliance.
It is also possible to support a specific project by making a one-off donation. Here you can find out more about the projects you can support.
Interested in supporting a good cause with your company and contribute to sustainable social entrepreneurship? Work together with Gered Gereedschap: donate, take action, mobilise your employees or adopt a tangible project! Together with Gered Gereedschap you can support and assist craftsmen in developing countries and give them a chance to work on a better future.
Finding a way that fits you and your company is important. There are a lot of possibilities. Maybe you already have a concrete idea? Every partnership starts with a good conversation. Call or send an e-mail to make an appointment with Peter Schmidt.
Want to know more?
Peter Schmidt
Project manager Marketing & Communication
Volunteers are at the very heart of Gered Gereedschap. We work with around 500 volunteers in 26 workshops throughout the Netherlands and our head office in Amsterdam. Gered Gereedschap is therefore constantly looking for enthusiastic co-workers. Do you want to become actively engaged in volunteering? Then you are most welcome in one of our workshops. As a good handyman but also as a board member, PR employee or at our project administration. Interested?

Do you own two saws, a wrench set you never use or maybe a sewing machine in the corner of the attic? Bring them to Gered Gereedschap

Where to bring?
Gered Gereedschap has 450 collection points throughout the Netherlands, including all Praxis DIY stores. View the list for a collection point near you.

What type of tools?
Gered Gereedschap collects (power) hand tools, sewing machines and (in consultation) workshop machines.

Gered Gereedschap has 26 workshops throughout the Netherlands. You will find an overview list on the workshop page on the Dutch part of the site.
Are you considering leaving a legacy gift to Gered Gereedschap? A great idea. By leaving a gift in your will to Gered Gereedschap you can continue to help young people in developing countries to have a chance to be a craftsman and therefore to a better life. There are several possibilities to leave a legacy gift to Gered Gereedschap: as a bequest or as a legacy.
Gered Gereedschap is designated as ‘Public Benefit Organisation’ (Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI) This means we are exempt from paying inheritance tax. Your legacy will be used for your intended purpose. to promote self-reliance of young people and start-up entrepreneurs in Africa by making tools and technical knowledge available.
If you have any questions about leaving a legacy or want to discuss this personally, please contact Mr Pablo van Klinken.

Gered Gereedschap has 450 collection points for tools throughout the Netherlands. In the 26 workshops of Gered Gereedschap, the tools are sorted, refurbished and prepared for shipping to project partners in developing countries. Half of all the workshops of Gered Gereedschap are entirely organised by and through volunteers. The other half are workshops belonging to welfare organisations, (re)integration projects and daytime activity centres.
Initiators for new workshops and collection points are always welcome. Starting up a workshop comprises many aspects. You can contact us for more information about this and the conditions for participating in the Gered Gereedschap network.
Want to know more?
Ellen van Puffelen
Project manager Operations