The Pioneer Technical Institute (PTI) in Iganga, Uganda, has been training young people in various technical fields for over 25 years. Since 2021, the school has been working together with Gered Gereedschap—and with the support of organizations like IFS Ultimo —to further professionalize education and provide more and more young people with opportunities for a future as skilled professionals. Initially, the support focused on the fields of woodworking and metalworking. The second phase is now in full swing, with support for the fields of Motor Vehicle Technology and Fashion & Design. A perfect moment to have a conversation with Gerald Iswaya, head of Training at PTI.

Can you tell us something about Pioneer Technical Institute?

Gerald: “Certainly! We have been active for over 25 years in training young people in various vocational disciplines. We offer both national certificate programs and short courses. Our programs include woodworking, fashion and clothing design, welding and metalworking, plumbing, and automotive technology. Our mission is not only to teach young people practical skills but also to help them become responsible citizens who can strengthen their communities. PTI is located in the Iganga District, in the Busoga Subregion of Eastern Uganda, but we attract students from all over Uganda, especially from underprivileged communities.”

You entered into a partnership with Gered Gereedschap a few years ago. How did that collaboration come about, and what is their role?

Gerald: “Yes, we partnered with Gered Gereedschap in October 2021, after the COVID-19 lockdown. Their support has had a tremendous impact on our institute. They provide support through the supply of tools and machines, by enhancing the capacity of our trainers, and by offering scholarships for students. Especially young people from very poor families benefit from this support, as they would simply not have the means to study without this assistance.”

How important are these scholarships to the students and their families?

Gerald: “These scholarships are invaluable. They cover 75% of the tuition fees, while parents contribute 25%. For many families, it is nearly impossible to raise the full amount, especially since all of our students board at the institute. Thanks to these scholarships, they can continue their education and gain skills that will help them build their future.”

What does Gered Gereedschap’s support look like in this second phase of your collaboration?

Gerald: “In this second phase, we are working together to further professionalize the fields of Motor Vehicle Technology and Fashion & Design. Gered Gereedschap has provided us with modern equipment, which has greatly improved the quality of our training. Previously, we mainly used hand tools, but now we can train students with more advanced tools.”

In addition to scholarships and tools, you also receive training for your instructors, right?

Gerald: “Yes, Gered Gereedschap has provided training for our instructors. They have learned new skills, such as the use of ICT in education, entrepreneurship, and modern teaching methods. They are now sharing this knowledge with their colleagues, which has improved the quality of our entire teaching staff.”

How has this support changed the education at PTI?

Gerald: “The changes have been significant. Thanks to the support of Gered Gereedschap, we have seen improvements in both the quality of education and the performance of our students. Our connections with local businesses have also strengthened. We are getting more internship opportunities, and we receive increasingly positive feedback about the quality of our students. Additionally, starter kits provided by Gered Gereedschap have helped graduates to start working in their field right away. For many of our students, who come from poor families, this would not have been possible otherwise.”

It sounds like the partnership has had a big impact, both on the institute and the students.

Gerald: “Absolutely! Thanks to the support from Gered Gereedschap, we have been able to attract more students, better train our instructors, and improve the performance of our students. This partnership has not only strengthened our institute but also improved the future prospects of our students.”

What do you see as the biggest challenge for PTI in the coming years, and how does Gered Gereedschap help with that?

Gerald: “The biggest challenge remains securing enough resources to adequately support our students. Many of them come from poor families and cannot fully finance their education. Gered Gereedschap’s support is therefore crucial. Thanks to their contribution, we can continue to offer high-quality training and further professionalize our education. We hope this partnership continues for a long time so that we can help even more young people towards a better future.”


     At Pioneer Technical Institute, we have professionalized the vocational programs in Motor Vehicle Technology and Fashion & Design, equipped workshops with tools and machines, trained teachers, provided scholarships to underprivileged youth, and supplied graduate students with starter toolkits or sewing machines


     Iganga, Uganda
     Comprehensive support, various building blocks
    Field: Motor Vehicle Technology and Fashion & Design

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They benefited from our support.

Paul Ogwang
Teacher Motor Vehicle Technology

‘Our program has been revitalized thanks to Gered Gereedschap.’

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Rahman Saha Ariko
Motor Vehicle Technology student

‘My dream is to start my own garage after this’

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Florence Abejja
Teacher Fashion & Design

‘Every student now has access to their own sewing machine!’

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Alice Alikoba
Student Fashion & Design

‘That scholarship has made a world of difference!’

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